
søndag den 22. januar 2012

Empty my phone because I need

Well what do you say boys and girls,  its m,y first shot...:-)
well after I did get told, that actually she is very known in the DK-TV, hmm I did not know that...

 Me at party in the danish Fountain H., as you see here we have the glasses and above is the cable tv and on the other side is the power supply for the kitchen...this place is also known from the old days as a place where they did make northy pictures of the girls...and sell the magazines...We do have LOL still somebody that write to us to join the party of photos....

well I think ...hmmm...maybe the Queen bye the hats here...or some rich lady...

this monster LOL is all the places...still soo many years after, yea sorry I call it monster...but I did try to..introduce a new light here..I think...they will like to yoin or join...

Hmm this I call when the color purple pass the borders

sorry I have some problem upload... in the next I come with the rest

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