
lørdag den 28. januar 2012

the BOOM effect

I was tal-king about this morning...this Brain !!! Well actually it is a good thing yes, buuut, wee have a boomerang function included..:-E

this is this finction for example ### if you have not make your homework...hehehe, and for example have been out with Eva :-E the whole weekend...and try to NOT meet the teacher, and NOT goes to his hours, for saying it has not been happening :-D that i have NOT doing my homework #### and you are going very silent in theese loong corridors...and suddently you hear your teachers cough for exactly the teacher you should have giving this homework ...well then the brain is NOT a good thing to have.... ### then you prefer NOT to have it ...have a nice day :-D LOL

Anther one that can give a pain in the .. ### I have seen at many.... Ladyes... :-D Is the clothes..... Every toi ups sorry time they shall out wellllll then many instaed of looking from outside the cabinet lol .... actually they crawling inside for finding a piece of stuff they .... :-E feel good to have on annnd pleasure many many.... :-D well (I do not know signora). In this many many girls or Ladyes from the whole world actually many times prefer not to have their brains...LOL

I remind you about this is tootally normal.... I have also tryed NOT to make homeworkkk...

For the more sad things there exist.... Bouleward of broken dreams, sayid in other words...It is a (many times) state of are in when you have loosed something you not would like to loose...for example a honey, or a good position job, a father or mother and etcetera. In this position you prefer many times to blow away or fade away...and I understand it wery well !!!  But remeber there is new possibilities and you have grown in that time you did have your dream close to why not grow instaed...and make ...a ...UPDATE.. to your time and age and your personally position ?!!!
I have seen, but actually I do not like the view...that some here...stock to that ONCE dream...and never go further the rest of their actually...they will not out of that they keep it virtually in their brains instaed

Theese kind of " state of mind " would do nearly everything to come back to that " Dream "...but this dream...keeps follow them..and actually ... destroy them from inside !!! Normally you cann see theese things in the history books... and maybe old colleguas

Actually I did loose a friend ...very very near friend because of this thing and I know a Lady that still regret..what she has done once she was on the top and did harm all the others...In that time she did loose many many precios friends... (some did come back) but some of them will never come back they sayd to her 

Actually Bouleward of Broken dreams...US thinks it is ONLY exist there...BUT IT IS NOT TRUE !!! it is existing everywhere...
Many start to hate them..selves and start to chance caracter and others start to drink a lot and etcetera..for keep that dream atlest in the head...also a old " Contessa " for example...but maybe that you did know once when you was in that dream...was not the whole true..but the being showing to you....when you have loosed it ?!!!

Many does not matter is a position of live or a proovement of Good...start to stick toghetter in thoose Bouleward of broken Dreams gangs...and actually maybe also at their other new job ...For example some have been forced to moove away from their home and lives ...and they never come in the new place....(stock the brain with this old dream) they actually advice eachother to be bad...and all the new ones they meet on the street..of good people..actually they destroy them...with their now become " hate Dream "... They can harm others so bad so actually these people sitting back after the aggression has come with all their excuses and lies. (not lion).because why they have done this !! well in one way or another they destroy the Civilisation ...if you let them do it...again after again...because they do it also in their jobs... bars...and with their friends...
Soo sticking to a is not always good..even if you was " Nearly " like Good...!!!
many times they nearly hypnotise themselve..for keeping that once it was like this..and theynew...and I did do like this..

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